Pay Per Play - Is This The End Of Google's AdSense?

By Luis Castillo

Simply type in AdSense into Google's search function and you'll see more links on how to improve your AdSense income than you could possibly read in a life time. Why is that?

I have been working with AdSense Ads on my sites and blogs and I have had pretty good success. However, it has taken me a lot of time to get where I am today. For anyone who was looking to make a serious stream of income they first had to deal with a lot of frustrating months of seeing countless ad displays and no clicks on their AdSense stats page. It looks like those days may soon be coming to a close.

From everything I have read a great deal of curiosity has been created regarding this new marketing platform. Some of the major news outlets have taken time to interview the founders of the Pay Per Play organization to determine for themselves if there is anything to get excited about. From these early investigations it appears that we may be looking at a real shake-up of the internet landscape.

What makes this new vehicle so exciting is that unlike Google's AdSense, visitors don't have to click anything in order for website owners to get paid. With pay per play audio ads you are automatically paid every time someone visits one of your web pages. In other words, you get paid for 100% of your website traffic. What a deal!

Now all a website owner needs to focus on in regards to maximizing this income stream is to get as many visitors as possible to his/her site. My only concern at this time is whether or not advertisers balk at the quality of traffic some of these websites will be getting. After all, if I was paying $0.20 per play and thousands of sites that are playing my ads are actually doing so by means of getting traffic from say, pop-unders, I might be a little concerned about the return on my investment. Only time will tell how advertisers respond to all this.

In any event, it's good to see that website owners have a new advertising platform to help montetize their sites. This is great news for bloggers and the "little guy" who is struggling to make it online. This stream of income may be what their looking for to keep them going. How many guys out there are being hounded by thier wives for spending so much time with their website and yet have nothing to show for it? Hang in there guys, your ship may be coming in.

In the meantime the window of opportunity is shrinking for website owners to get in on the band wagon. The Pay Per Play owners have already stated that they will only allow so many "affiliates" or website owners to market their product. Once it reaches ":critical mass" they will shut the doors so as not to dilute the income potential of the site owners.