Internet Marketing Strategies - Google AdWords Account Structure

By Zach J Hoffman

A key to a successful Internet Marketing Strategy is a Sponsored Search Marketing campaign. One primary part of Sponsored Search marketing is the Google AdWords system.

Google AdWords allows users the ability to bid on top placement on the Google website and the Google search network. The Google AdWords system also has access to a content network which allows syndication of their marketing across a variety of websites.

Google AdWords is categorized as Search Engine Marketing when it comes to an Internet Marketing Strategy.

We will dissect the structure of a Google AdWords account to help you plan out the proper strategy when it comes to the search engine marketing aspect of your Internet Marketing Strategy. A Google AdWords Account has the following structure:

Campaign > AdGroup > Keywords & Ad Copy

The campaign level of the Google AdWords account appears immediately after the main account level. A campaign is the level of an AdWords account is where you have the ability to set the geographic targeting, language targeting, time scheduling for both daily and for the time on the clock in 15 minute increments. The campaign level description should correlate with the internal theme of Ad Groups.

Campaign>AdGroup>Keywords & Ad Copy

The Ad Group level of the Google AdWords account appears immediately after the campaign level of the account. The Ad Group is the area where we are able to have 10,000 (ten-thousand) sections to organize your keywords in direct correlation with the Ad Copy you plan on your keywords triggering. Your Ad Group name should have a relevant theme to the keywords found in the Ad Group.

Campaign>AdGroup>Keywords & Ad Copy

The Keywords of the Google AdWords account appear directly below the Ad Group. Keywords are words you would like to target on the search engine. There are three distinct styles to create your keywords and they are broad match, phrase match, and exact match.

Broad match keywords target the words you typed in and any words in combination with them or between the words.

Phrase match is words locked next to each other but keywords are able to attach on to either end of the phrase.

Exact match is the exact keyword you want your Ad Copy to hit for. Your Ad Copy and keywords should have strong relevant correlation.

Campaign>AdGroup>Keywords & Ad Copy

Ad Copy is part of an Ad Group where you need to have strong relevancy and correlation with themes in the keyword set. The Ad Copy you are provided has area for 4 (four) messages: Ad Title, Description Line 1, Description Line 2, and your Display URL.

Your AdCopy should have multiple catches to stand out in the marketplace. Your Ad Title should create interest in your Ad Copy and help the rest of your message standout. One key to think about is what will set you apart from the general marketplace. This may include capitalizing all the words in your title or even placing a call to action with even the just the first word capitalized leading into a message. Your AdCopy will vary if you're selling an item versus selling a service. Some ads may be local oriented if you are in the service business. Also, local oriented ads targeted to a specific geography will need to be separated into their own Campaign.

AdWords Account Structure Summary...

AdWords accounts take a well structured approach for the most optimal results and relevancy programmed in before you begin your bidding. We have been working on creating accounts for over 5 years and continue to learn something new every day. Be sure to manage and measure your account as the market is always changing, one great tracking mechanism is Google Analytics.