How To Approach Pay Per Click For Better Results

By Arun Pal Singh

Pay per click advertising costs money and diligence.

For successful PPC campaign, you need to bid on keywords in such a way that they get clicks from potential buyers and avoid people who are interested in information only, while keeping your costs minimum.

Affordibility: If you stretch your budget to meet your budget, his would put you under financial stress. In such situations, it is not possible to support the campaign for a period enough to evaluate. You would want quick results and might get frustrated soon.

So decide your budget first and bid accordingly.

To decide amount of bid, you must calculate return on investment or ROI. Before you can monitor your own results, you would need to calculate on average values available.

Conversion rates of visitors into customers vary from 0.5-8%, depending on various factors including what you are selling, type of traffic (whether targeted or not) and website design etc.

Let us keep one percent as the conversion rate for your future campaign. That means out of every 100 visitors, one would buy from you. Let us say you sell a product for $40. That means each of your visitor should cost you less than 40 cents to make it an effective campaign.

Thus you need to keep your bids lower than that otherwise you would make losses.

You would modify these bidding prices as your own data becomes available.

Do Not Aim For The Top: Getting a second, third or fourth position would also bring you a good traffic and cost you less. You can test your bid prices in different campaigns. Vary your bids so that your listing appears higher and lower on the page and see how does it affect your profits

Keyword Variations: Do not directly bid for a competitive keyword. Instead find a work around by prefixing or suffixing that, trying misspelled versions and using phrases instead of simple keywords. For example instead of money making, you can bid for money making for moms.

Try Smaller Search Engines Too: While they would not bring loads of traffic, they would still bring visitors and would cost much less. Findwhat, Kanoodle,Enhance Interactive and LookSmart are the ones which you can give a try.

Different Ads for Each Product: A very effective strategy if you diligently do it. You should write separate ads specific to each keyword and phrase you bid on. These customized ads would attract more attention and clicks from potential buyers.

You would be converting more and more of these visitors to buyers if you pull them with highly specific ads and direct them to a page on your site with the product or service they're searching for.