Pay-Per-Click Secrets - How To Eliminate The "Google Slap" For Your Opt-In Pages

By Fabian Tan

One of the biggest issues facing list builders in the past year or so is the "Google Slap" when using AdWords. In July 2006, many pay per click marketers suddenly saw their cost per click rise to insane amounts like $5 or $10 per click, most probably because they were using opt-in pages, which are simple one-page sites designed to capture leads into your autoresponder.

Well, there are some ways to get low costs per click again if you have given up using AdWords as a way to build your list. Here are some ways to eliminate "Google Slap" and get to building your list using this powerful tool again:

A: Build Content Pages

The search engines love content. So does AdWords. If your site has relevant content, you should presumably have a better Quality Score. This means you will pay less for every click. Build simple little pages containing relevant articles.

B: Build A Site Map

Create a simple Site Map to link the content pages together. Link to this Site Map on your opt-in page. You can use Google's SiteMap Generator to create a SiteMap easily. This will take a couple of minutes at most.

C: Build Different Opt-In Pages

Build different opt-in pages for different keyword groups. For example, if you are bidding on the keyword "Magic Tricks", you might want to include the words Magic Tricks more often on your opt-in page. In other words, you will build a customized opt-in page for each keyword group. Again, this is proven to increase your Quality Score, leading to lower cost clicks.


Pay Per Click said...

Pay per click advertising is a search engine marketing technique that requires you to pay only when someone clicks on your ad copy, advertise on a search engine result page.

Pay Per Click