What Is The Best Article Marketing Or Pay Per Click Advertising?

By : Franck Silvestre

Franck Silvestre is an affiliate and Internet marketing expert. He earns thousands of dollars a year writing articles. He is expert at guiding traffic to his ...

Article marketing is the best way to market your products or services on the Internet. Furthermore, it is the best way to build a highly responsive list because when they opt-in, they already experienced your style and they reward you by giving you their trust.

When you think about it, it's totally different than a prospect who click on an adwords ads. When someone clicks on an advertisement, there is no relation. It's a cold connection, and you need to work harder to build trust after the prospect enter your marketing funnel.

On the contrary, with article marketing you are playing the reverse opt-in effect. You do not force anyone to subscribe to your list with sneaky tactics. All you do is provide a link in your resource box with an invitation for the reader to get even more advice and guidance from you.

In fact, a well written article gives you the instant expert status that people are searching for. No wonder why article marketing is so powerful.The subscribers who enter your list after reading your article tells you: "I like your style, I like what I've learned from you so far, please, give me more".

Now let's see the state of mind of someone who enter your marketing funnel via a pay per click advertising campaign: In this case, the prospect who clicked on an ad and didn't get any upfront content yet says: "hmm, let's see if he can prove his claim and keep his promises".

You see, it's totally different. In the second case, he doesn't trust you yet and have many objections. Make a mistake in the early beginning and your prospect will unsubscribe forever.

In the first case, a relation based on trust and comprehension already started. Something really powerful happened. Treat your new list member well and he is going to stay with you for years to come. Feed him with content, free or paid, he will want to try it because he already knows that you deliver the good. Don't get me wrong, I do not condemn PPC at all and I recognize that it's one of the best form of advertising on the planet. But I prefer the concept of article marketing.

Think about it, what happen when you stop to pay from PPC? Now loof what happen when you stop writing? Your articles are still making you money...