Google AdWords On Steroids - How To Slash Your Costs While Increasing Your Visitors

By Mark A. Abrahams

Google AdWords is one of the very few ways that you can get immediate targeted traffic to your website. Traffic is the lifeblood of any internet business and you need this to succeed online.

However, very few marketers actually succeed with this method of advertising. The main reason for this is that they end up spending thousands of dollars on keywords that are not targeted. If you are new to PPC you may want to consider hiring a professional search engine optimization company to help you out. In this article I will go over some tips that will help you to reduce your costs and increase your results.

Make sure that you group your adverts by very targeted campaigns. Usually if you have too many adverts linked with a campaign and if they are not performing they will affect your quality score and you will be charged higher prices per click.

Also ensure that you have negative matching turned on. You definitely do not want to pay for clicks that include your targeted keywords, but have a different meaning. For example if you are promoting affiliate marketing and somebody searches for affiliate marketing programs this will not be targeted traffic that will convert.

Finally, make sure that you have a good quality score for the site where your landing page is as this will dramatically decrease the cost per click that you pay. You can do this by making sure that there are a lot of quality one way links pointing to it. Also ensure that your landing page is very focused on the keywords including it in the title and at least once in the body.