Some Guidelines for Google AdWords Campaigns

By Joe Knight

Here is some guidelines and techniques that will greatly increase your page rating and click threw rate when you are doing a Google AdWords campaign.

Using keywords that are not highly targeted to your ad copy, or are too broad in nature will not perform for you very well.

Having the keywords from your ad group within your ad copy will give you quality score point and google will give you better positioning on search pages.If your keywords for your google adwords campaign is not highly targeted or to general they will not attract the right type of traffic(customers).Do not use broad keywords because this will also bring traffic that may not be ready to purchase and the amount you have to bid for the keyword will be much higher. And using broad keywords will also increase the amount you need to bid on those key words.,b>

Using the Common Keyword grouping will increase quality score.

Try to use the keywords in your ad,this will also increase your quality score and help to reach your target market.

Review sites tend to convert sales better, so if possible try to set a review site comparing 2 or 3 products and make sure you have a clear winner,of that being the product you are advertising in the google adwords campaign.

do not use the word free in your ad or may get a lot of people who are just looking for free information and they are not ready to buy. You may want to include the price to really filter out the people who are not ready to purchase and who are just kind of looking around window shopping.

Using a question or using a call to action phrase is a great technique of attracting clicks (remember put yourself on the customers shoes "why" are they looking for this product or service).

And remember to research your niche completely and do alot of key word research,and use the "Long tail "method.

Also try to put yourself in the customers shoes,ask yourself why this person wants to buy this product.Say for instance the product is for weight loss.Do not just because the person wants to lose weight, the why would be something like"because they are getting married and want to look good for the wedding,or too have a defined six pack of abs.,or to look good in a swim suit.Try to think of the exact reason some one would be looking to purchase that product you are trying to advertise.

And finally do not forget to test and tweak your campaign to increase the click threw rate. And try to spilt test your campaign to really zero in on the target market.