If You Can Build Content Rich Websites You Can Make Money

By Chuck J Anderson

If you are familiar with keyword researching, putting together a content rich website and adding adsense code...they you can make money...without fail.

It may not be from adsense though, although many people are successful in making a healthy income from adsense. You may find your fortune in the brand new program that pays you to play a short five second audio ad on your website. This new technology is ripping through the internet right now causing a frenzy of enthusiasm and excitement.

Why? Well quite simply this audio advertising plan, otherwise known as pay per play (PPP) pays for every person that listens to that ad. And the best part is they do not have to do a thing. No click, no hoop jumping...Nothing!

The ad will automatically play as they enter your website. Your visitors could not help but to hear it as it is such a short message. It is over before they know it. Ka-ching, and you just got paid. The benefits of this is that you can start looking at your traffic on a pay per visitor basis. No more working hard to get them there, when all they do is click off into cyberspace before putting any money in your account.

Every single person now will be responsible for making your life a little more comfortable. This is just the motivation many website owners needed to ramp up their effort in getting traffic to their website.

To ensure the short audio message is played on your website, all you have to do is sign up for free and then paste a small code that is generated, similar to adsense code, into your website and you are on your way.

Those audio messages will fire up and start bringing in the bacon.

As you can see the profit strategies of setting up websites rich in content just got a whole lot better. Now you can happily put in the time and effort required to build your website and know that it will reward you.

The program also comes with a 3 level affiliate program. Clever income is that which is passive and even smarter income is from the work of others. Your direct sign ups and their signups, in the process of effortlessly setting up their audio websites, will also be putting money into your account.

Combined with AdSense you now have two highly effective ways to make content based websites a major source of income.