How to Make Money Online with Google AdSense

By Lyndon Ogden

Making money with Google Adsense is a great online money making opportunity for newbies. All you need is a site with at least 20 pages of content and well-placed keywords and you'll be on your way to making money with AdSense every day.

So, what is Google AdSense and can it make you rich?

Well... It IS possible to make money with AdSense if you know what you are doing. It's also possible to make nothing if you just slap some AdSense ads up on any old web page without the proper planning and formatting.

Making money with Google Adsense isn't difficult or hard but, if you want to make significant dollars from Adsense, then you DO need to understand some AdSense basics before you get started.

First, What Is Google AdSense Anyway?

If you already know the answer to this, then bear with me. I don't mean to bore you, but there ARE still a lot of newcomers on the Web, and I want to be sure we're all on the same page right from the start here, OK? If you're familiar with AdSense already, then feel free to skip down to the next section...

But if the term, "Google AdSense" is still a bit of a foreign phrase to you, then let me explain...

Do you use Google to search for stuff on the Web (the majority of web surfers do)? If so, have you ever noticed those small ads that run down the right side of the screen? Well... those are Google ads. People pay a few cents to hundreds of dollars to buy that advertising space. They only have to pay, though, when people actually click on the ads. It's what's called targeted advertising... meaning that ads only run on search result pages for specified keywords.

So, for example, if you wanted to advertise an Italian cookbook for sale using Google advertising, you might associate your ad with the keyword phrases of "Italian cookbook," "Italian cookbooks," and "Italian recipes." So the only people seeing your ad are people who are potentially going to be interested in what you're selling. Google makes bucket loads by selling those ads.

Good for them, but even better for us, because they're willing to share that money with us! And all we have to do is show those ads on our websites (for free). If people see the ads on your webpages and then click on them, you'll start making money with AdSense... at least a few pennies, but sometimes much more. All you have to do to show those ads is sign up for Google AdSense, and then implant a small bit of code into your webpage.

That's it... do it and if your pages are getting traffic, then you'll soon be on your way to making money with Google AdSense!


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