AdSense Disabled Or Banned? Here Are Some Tips, And Alternatives

By Sharon L Taylor

If you have been banned by Google, or even if you just want to use a different service, these tips will help you to remain profitable.

I think one of the most important tips is to READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TERMS OF SERVICE. Google has proven to me and many others that if you are not paying attention, they will take Adsense away and you will not get it back. If you don't understand something, ask them.

With that said, I will put here some basics that apply to ALL advertisers...

Under NO circumstances, click on your own ads. Bottom line, it is fraud. Do it to many times, you will be blacklisted from ALL ad providers. Is it worth a few cents to worry about it? Just DON'T do it.

If you accidentally click on one of your own ads, IMMEDIATELY contact the ad provider and tell them. It is up to you to be pro-active. Don't assume that it will not be noticed. You may think you are fine, but it will eventually get you shut down.

Do NOT tell your friends and family to 'help you out' by clicking on your ads. This is the same as you doing it yourself. What happens is that if too many clicks are coming from the same IP (which is tracked), they will assume you had something do to with it. I have stopped telling people I know about my sites altogether because I don't want them to think they are 'helping me out' by clicking on my ads.

Don't mess with the code. If you want to change the ads, go to the ad provider and use the change features provided to obtain the new code. They know if the code has been tampered with.

Do Not set up pages that are just for ads. Don't you hate it when you are searching for some kind of information and all you find are pages with a bunch of ads that try to sell you something that may not even be related to what you were looking for? I know that makes me crazy! We want content. Lot's of it, that is valuable to the person that lands on your page. If you want your ads to be successful, give the advertisers lots more content.

Don't run competitive ad providers ads (sometimes) Ok, now this one requires you to do your due diligence. Some providers do not allow you to run any other ads from other providers, like Adsense. Other providers don't care. Check with each individual provider if the terms of service are unclear, or you can't find the answers on the providers site.

Do NOT ask your viewers to click your ads!!! I can't stress this one enough. You might think that saying "hey, check out these ads" might be and innocent way to get more clicks. But soliciting clicks won't help the advertisers who are paying for the ads.

Think like and advertiser. Sometimes it is hard to do this. But imagine YOU are paying to have your ads placed. You don't want to pay for someone clicking your ad unless they are truly interested in what you are offering. Content is king.

Be careful how much you advertise. This is a grey area. You have to advertise to get traffic. But get too much traffic and it could flag your account for suspicious activity. If a provider flags you, let them know what you are doing and make sure that it is ok to promote your site in a way that won't violate the TOS.