Slowing down the Adsense Roller Coaster

If you’ve been using Adsense for any length of time to generate earnings on your bl0g or website then you probably already know what the Adsense Roller-Coaster is. If your blog or website is just for fun, and Adsense earnings are just icing on the cake, then you probably don’t care about your earnings or ups and downs - but for those of you that are serious about your earnings from Adsense but don’t know what the roller-coaster is, let me explain:
The Adsense Roller-Coaster is what we call the constant UP’s and DOWN’s of your daily Adsense earnings. That “thrill” you feel when your earnings are up one day, and that “where is my stool and rope” feeling when your earnings are down the next day. If you are a “big-time” blogger like Jeremy Shoemaker (or is it spelled Schoemaker ?), or famous like Will Wheaton (meaning tens, or hundreds of thousands of visitors per day) then you probably don’t have to worry about those daily up’s and downs.. I mean, if you generate $900 one day, then only a measly $780 the next day, who cares?

The Adsense Roller Coaster is usually worse for new users of Adsense. Earnings can be great for the first few days or even weeks, then the Smart-Pricing hits - Ack! That’s usually the first drop that you’ll feel. Oh, that feeling in the pit of your stomach!

Once your blog or website gets rolling, you may start to feel comfortable with your earnings. You’ve worked hard for months, Adsense earnings are going up every day, traffic is climbing, you make plans to quit your job - then… THE DROP. Suddenly, without rhyme or reason, your earnings start to plummet. This is the not-so-fun part of the Adsense Roller-Coaster, and we’re on this part of the ride ourselves at Grown Up Geek right now. Traffic is higher than ever and yet earnings are dropping -it’s all part of the fun.

There are a few things you can do to help soften the sting of the ups and downs of Adsense.

* Don’t be a stats-addict. Checking your Adsense stats every 10 minutes is a sure-fire way to an ulcer. Because of Updation-Delaytion you really need to wait until your daily earnings are finalized the next day or better yet, look at your stats on a weekly-basis. Looking at weekly stats will smooth-out some of those daily ups and downs.
* Diversify your earnings: Don’t rely so heavily on Adsense! Diversify your earnings with other sources such as YPn, CJ, Azoogle or others. Having these other sources of earnings can reduce the sting of your Adsense downturns. The downside is that some of these other sources of income require more work than Adsense.
* Optimize your bl0g or site to get the most from your Adsense: Keep reading and learning more about how to squeeze every last bit of potential earnings from your site or bl0g. These are some of the places I check daily or weekly to keep up with the latest and greatest ways to keep your earnings up:
* ProBlogger: Up until one of the more recent ShoeMoney podcasts, I would have sworn that Darren Rowse was Jeremy Schoemaker in disguise. But after hearing the podcast, I don’t think Shoemoney could do the funny accent that good.
* ShoeMoney: He drives a Hummer - he must know what he’s talking about
* A newer resource, but he’s got some good stuff
* Google’s AdSense Blog: Get the info directly from the source. (they’ve even blogged about us!)
* Digital Point Adsense Forums: This is where I dispense my marginal Adsense advice. It’s probably the best place to learn about webmastering and AdSense in general.

Note: I am not an AdSense expert, I only play one on the Internet

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